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Saturday, 30 November 2019

Te Mata, Fleur Morange and more tasted in August 2019

Te Mata

2009 Te Mata Coleraine
Kr 390,-
Ruby. Blueberries, cassis, dark fruits, some vanilla and faint coffee notes, faintly scented nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, dark fruity, spices, liquorice, structured, long. 93

2010 Te Mata Coleraine
Kr 390,-
Ruby. Blueberries, anise, spices, blackberries, some cassis nose. Some herbs. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red fruity, some spices, blueberries and spices, long and focused. 94

2011 Te Mata Coleraine
Kr 360,-
Ruby. Dark fruits, herbs, paprika, vanilla and spices nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, spices, liquorice, nuanced and detailed, firm, layered, intense and long. Has this playfulness in the fairly rich fruit. 94

120 til 240 flasker av hver.

2002 Château Fleur Morange
Kr 599,-
Ruby, garnet rim. Anise, blueberries, figs, dates, scented, maturing nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, spices, liquorice and nuanced, long. Impressive 2002. 92

2003 Château Fleur Morange
Kr 599,-
Ruby, garnet rim. Blueberries, anise, spices, liquorice, some floral notes and minerals nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blueberries and spices, juicy, youthful 2003, layered, long. 93

2003 Château Fleur Morange
Ruby. Dark fruity, blueberries, spices, anise, floral, detailed, nuanced, minerals, layered nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, blueberries and spices, minerals, detailed and elegant, long. 94

2004 Château Fleur Morange
Kr 599,-
Ruby. Anise, blueberries, spices, minerals, detailed, blackberries nose, intense. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blueberries and spices, detailed, nuanced, layered, this is a beautiful bottle of this vintage. 93

2006 Château Fleur Morange
Ruby. Blueberries, scented, detailed, vanilla, coffee, floral, minerals, layered nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blueberries and spices, liquorice, nuanced and detailed, spices, long. Superb. 95

600 fl 2003, 326 2004, 213 2002 110mg 2003

2006 Château Fombrauge 120 fl
Kr 399,-
Ruby. Blueberries, anise, blackberries, dark fruity nose, intense. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, blueberries, spices, good length. 89

2006 Château Smith Haut Lafitte 68 fl
Kr 600,-
Ruby. Vanilla, cassis, dark fruity, spices, liquorice, coffee, intense nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, blueberries and spices, juicy, blueberries, nuanced, long. 93

2006 Château Pontet-Canet (60 flasker)
Kr 790,-
Ruby. Scented, dark fruity, blueberries and spices, cassis, layered and nuanced, beautiful nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, nuanced, detailed and layered, bright, intense, long. Superb. 95

2005 Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 48
Kr 1250,-
Ruby. Spices, blueberries, scented, blackberries and nuanced, floral and nuanced, detailed nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, spices, elegant and nuanced, lovely balance, layered and detailed, long. 95

2005 Château Rieussec 65fl
Kr 680,-
Golden. Apricots, vanilla, fruity, peach and pears nose, rich and intense. Fresh acidity, fruity, rich, rounded, intense, some spices, long. 94

Penfolds 175 år

Det er nå fem år siden jeg oppdaget at Penfolds fylte 170 år og skrev en lengre artikkel om huset. Den gang var det lenge siden noen hadde brydd seg nevneverdig om vinene herfra her på Berget, men artikkelen og påfølgende artikler synes å ha satt en viss følgeskare i sving, for plutselig hender det vinene herfra blir utsolgt før jeg rekker å få flaskene jeg har bestilt. Selv to av Norges største notatdatabaser har ikke mer enn noenogfemti og rundt sytti notater henholdsvis. Selv har jeg smakt rundt tohundre til tohundreogfemti flasker herfra, som er småtterier internasjonalt om du har over tyve års erfaring i bransjen. Vi kan trygt si at Norge og nordmenn ikke har prioritert ikke bare Penfolds, men vin fra Australia. Men det synes å være en endring på gang.

Penfolds ble grunnlagt av apotekeren Dr. Christopher Penfold og middagen som feiret jubileet ble holdt nettopp i hans gamle skole, som i dag er The Worshipful Society of Apotecharies i London som har holdt til samme sted siden 1632. Shakespeare øvde visstnok i salen vi hadde middag i… London har historie over alt. Christopher strøk første gang han var oppe til eksamen. Han endte etter hvert opp i Australia hvor Penfolds ble grunnlagt i 1844. Vi tenker fort at vindyrking er relativt nytt i Australia og de mer informerte av oss vet at endel druestokker er fra 1800-tallet og derfor betydelig eldre enn mange her i Europa. Det er vanskelig å tenke seg at det hele startet med de engelske emigrantene. Christopher og hans kone Mary ankom Adelaide kun åtte år etter at byen var grunnlagt som hovedstaden i South-Australia. Her kjøpte de eiendommen Magill på nærmere 3000 mål, som ligger i skråningene i Adelaide Hills. Vin ble sett på som sunt og det ble god butikk ganske raskt. Alt i 1881 produserte Penfolds en tredjedel av vinproduksjonen i South-Australia, samtidig var ikke innbyggertallet i Adelaide på mer enn 14000 sjeler i 1854 så den størrelsen vi ser for oss med Penfolds var det ikke i nærheten av.

Men ved hundreårsskiftet i 1900 solgte Penfolds vin til hele det britiske imperiet og var blitt Australias største hetvinsprodusent. Det var Mary som stod for arbeidet med vinen, både i kjelleren og i vinmarkene og det var hun som bygde sten for sten og ble med det en av Australias første forretningskvinner. Og det startet med kun noen få stiklinger som siden økte på. Stiklingene ble hentet fra William Macarthur som skulle supplere mye av stiklingene som ble vinplanter i hele sørlige Australia. Mannen Christopher var lege og hans bidrag var å skrive ut viner som medisin til sine pasienter. Mens Mary fikk stadig flere ansatte under seg til å hjelpe til med alt arbeide i vinmarker og vinifikasjon ble Christopher etter hvert også borgermester i Burnside, så energi må disse to ha hatt nok av. Vinene og eiendommen gikk etter hvert under kallenavnet Dr. Penfolds. Christopher døde i 1870 og ekteparets datter Georgina hadde giftet seg i 1861, bare sytten år gammel med iren Thomas Francis Hyland. Etter svigerfarens død engasjerte han seg fullt og helt i Penfolds videre vekst.

Gjennom første halvdel av 1900-tallet ble Penfolds stadig større og etter hvert et velkjent varemerke i hele Australia. Dette var Thomas’ bragd. Men også Joseph Gillard, kjellermesteren ble viktig i Penfolds etter Christophers bortgang. Han stod ved Marys side for å holde hjulene i gang og muligens var det han som overtalte henne til å fortsette videre uten mannen ved sin side. I 1881 ble det dannet nytt partnerskap mellom Mary, Thomas og Joseph, for å sikre stabilitet, men også etterfølgere. Mary og Christopher fikk bare Georgina og Gerorgina og Thomas mistet også flere barn, noe som var vanlig den gang. De to tok etternavnet Penfold Hyland for å beholde navnet som slektsnavn. Deres to sønner Herbert og Frank ble med i driften, henholdsvis i 1892 og 1905. De neste tredve årene var det eksplosjonsartet vekst med betydelige oppkjøp av vinmarker og land og i 1912 stod nytt vinifikasjonsanlegg klart. Penfolds lagde da som nå en rekke viner, men hovedproduksjonen var hetvin. Det var viner ved navn sherry, Madeira, Old Tawny, til og med V. O. Invalid. På 30-tallet ble en champagnemetode musserende innført og den ble en kjempesuksess i hjemmemarkedet. Men tredvetallet skulle også bli tøft for Penfolds, store deler av staben ble byttet ut fordi de som hadde begynt i selskapet under Marys tid var nådd pensjonsalder, og det var nesten tredve prosent arbeidsledighet under den store depresjonen.

I 1931 trådde en nå legendarisk skikkelse over dørstokken hos Penfolds, kun seksten år gammel, Max Schubert. Han startet som laboratorieassistent. Etter å ha vist interesse for vinmaking ble han overflyttet til Magill i 1935 for å lære mer. Alt i 1929 hadde Penfolds markedsføringsavdeling i Melbourne fjorten firmabiler og i 1945 ble Kalimna Vineyards kjøpt opp, den gang South-Australias største vinmark med en produksjon på rundt 400.000 liter per år. Max Schubert var rukket å bli seniorvinmaker da han ble sendt til Europe på slutten av førti-tallet hvor han tok en avstikker til Bordeaux, noe som aldri var planen fra Penfolds side. Han ble tent på ideen om å lage en vin som kunne vare i tyve år og i 1951 eksperimenterte han med Grange for første gang. Grange var navnet på en av de opprinnelige vinmarkene til Mary. Men det måtte gjøres i all hemmelighet, men en viktig person støttet ham, Jeffrey Penfold Hyland (1911-90) som hadde jobbet som kjellerassistent i familieselskapet, og som nå var i ledelsen. Uten hans støtte ville Grange hatt en naturlig men smertefull død, som Max skal ha uttalt.

På 60-tallet prøvde Penfolds seg til og med på vinmaking på New Zeeland, tyve-tredve år før den virkelige boomen, og visjonære har Penfolds egentlig vært hele sin tid. Det har vært laget ett uttal viner og stiler, en har blitt legendarisk, Grange, mange er velkjente viner av høy kvalitet og noen er kommersielle. Noen har overlevd tidens tann mens andre bare ble laget en gang eller kun i noen få år. Grange fikk til slutt innpass i porteføljen og 1952 årgangen ble sluppet i markedet, og har ledet an ikke bare i Australia, men blant syrah i hele verden.
Men syttitallet ble ett tøft tiår for Penfolds. Utenlandske investorer ankom landet og markedsandelen hjemme sank fra 16 til 5 prosent for Penfolds. I 1976 mistet også Penfold Hyland familien majoritetsandelen i eget selskap og familiedynastiet begynte å rakne. Adelaide by begynte også å spise opp vinmarker og i 1983 eksproprierte bystyret en stor andel av Magill, den opprinnelige eiendommen. Men heldigvis ble noe bevart og dette blir i dag Magill Estate, laget fra plantene som ble satt ned som stiklinger i 1844. Det har vært mange skifter på eiersiden, og hvorvidt etterkommere av Penfolds Hyland eller Gillard fortsatt eier en andel er for meg uvisst. Men Penfolds viner er fortsatt en viktig markedsaktør og kjent over hele verden. I dag er Treasury Wine Estates eier av Penfolds og flere andre internasjonalt kjente hus som Matua, Beringer, Beaulieu Vineyards og Lindemans samt Wolf Blass. Reisen til London for å delta på jubileet ble betalt av Treasury Wine Estates Norge.

2019 Penfolds Collection

2019 Penfolds BIN 51 Eden Valley Riesling 
Kr 199,90
Pale lemon yellow. Apples, some pears, still some yeast notes nose. Fresh acidity, apples, lemons, elegant, good length. 87

2018 Penfolds BIN 311 Chardonnay
Kr 279,90
Pale lemon yellow. Apples, minerals, some vanilla, citrus, touch of candied lemons nose. Fresh acidity, fruity, apples, some vanilla and spices, elegant texture, long. Somewhat creamy. 90

2018 Penfolds Reserve BIN A Adelaide Hills Chardonnay
Kr 599,90
Pale lemon yellow. Apples, lemons, candied lemons, bright nose, faintly scented, some minerals and vanilla, beautiful nose, graceful. Fresh acidity, elegant texture, somewhat creamy with refreshing lemons and citrus, long. 94

2017 Penfolds BIN 144 Yattarna Chardonnay 
Kr 899,90
Pale lemon yellow. Apples, minerals, citrus, some vanilla and light gunpowder note nose. Fresh acidity, apples, elegant and nuanced, bright and fresh, some lemons, smoother texture, detailed, long. Refreshing finish. Borderline mouthwatering. 95

2018 Penfolds BIN 23 Pinot Noir
Bright ruby. Red fruity, lightly scented, raspberries and strawberry jam nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fresh and fruit driven, some spices, touch of liquorice that gives a bit of depth mid palate, elegant texture, faint herbal note far back in the finish. Good length. 89

2017 Penfolds BIN 138 Shiraz Grenache Mataro
Ruby. Dark fruits, anise, blueberries and spices, lighter nose, herbs. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, juicy, some spices, good length. 87

2017 Penfolds BIN 128 Coonawarra Shiraz
Kr 319,90
Ruby. Dark fruits, spices, anise, liquorice, scented, floral high notes, detailed nose. Almost bright expression. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, red berries and spices, minerals beneath, long. 90

2017 Penfolds BIN 28 Kalimna Shiraz
Kr 279,90
Ruby. Dark fruity, anise, spices, blueberries and pepper, tighter nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, juicy, spices, liquorice, nuanced, long. 91

2017 Penfolds BIN 407 Cabernet Sauvignon 
Ruby. Blackberries, anise, liquorice, spices, cassis, some blackcurrants leaf behind on the nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, dark fruity, spices, liquorice, blueberries, fairly structured, long. 92

2017 Penfolds BIN 150 Marananga Shiraz
Ruby. Lightly scented, some floral notes, peppery, dark fruity, chocolate, intense nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, spices, juicy, minerals, detailed and elegant, fairly smooth, long. 93

2017 Penfolds BIN 389 Cabernet Shiraz
Kr 489,90
Ruby. Blackberries, scented, violets, some spices, detailed nose, cassis, nuanced. Opens up nicely with more floral notes with air. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, dark fruits and spices, elegant texture, detailed and layered, nuanced and long. Bright yet rich, long. 94

2017 Penfolds Magill Estate Shiraz
Kr 899,-
Ruby. Dark fruits, anise, some plums, coffee, liquorice, quite tight at this stage. Opens up nicely with purer fruit characters with air. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, blueberries and nuanced, some lavender, touch of eucalyptus, long. Layered. 94

2017 Penfolds RWT BIN 798 Barossa Valley Shiraz
Kr 989,90
Deep ruby. Rich, intense, blackberries and blueberries, peppery, spices, layers, scented, even violets high notes and a touch of eucalyptus that gives and impressive nuanced lift to it. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, spices, liquorice, detailed, intense and layered, stunning fruit and texture, bright and expressive, long. A superb RWT. 96

2016 Penfolds St Henri Shiraz
Deep ruby. Blueberries and spices, liquorice, nuanced, detailed, faintly scented, some violets, layered with gorgeous notes, almost graphite deep down. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, rich, layered, nuanced, bright and refreshing, superb texture even if structure behind, beautiful balance between concentration and depth and structure, long. 97

2015 Penfolds Grange
Kr Ca 4000,-
Deep ruby. Rich, deep, nuanced, dark fruity, blueberries and blackberries in layers with liquorice, some pepper, eucalyptus notes behind, almost floral on top. Precise. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, dark fruits, spices, liquorice, intense, layered and detailed, focused and bright yet dense and rich, superbly complex and stunning length. 99

2016 Penfolds Special BIN 111A Shiraz
Kun to flasker til Norge! Deep ruby. Dark fruity, blueberries and nuances, floral, layered, detailed, highly scented, almost leaps out of the glass, from floral through all sorts of dark fruits down to minerals and spices. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, detailed, layered, nuanced, bright and just keeps on giving. Incredible depth and layers yet not too powerful. Just doesn’t stop giving. 100

Friday, 29 November 2019

Extravagant de L'Extravagant

It is a rare bird indeed the Extravagant de Doisy Daëne, and even rarer to see two vintages side by side. To have a vertical is nearly unheard of. Actually, this is the first and only ever conducted by Doisy Daëne themselves. Normal production, in a great vintage, is 3 barrels. Yes, the 3 best barrels in the house. A few vintages has seen a larger production, but just a few. So that gives you hardly a 1000 liters of this hugely seductive nectar, for the world. In a top year. Luckily, Sauternes has had a streak of them lately. These bottles are incredibly difficult to find in the market, it is indeed rare that I see them outside the shop at Doisy Daëne. About 2000 half bottles is made, as these are normally bottled as half bottles. So if you find one, grab it, it might be years until the next one comes along.

2017 L'Extravagant de Doisy Daëne
Pale golden. Incredibly pure apricots, pineapples, just a whiff of some exotic spices, detailed and layered nose. Fresh acidity, elegant texture, creamy and nuanced, soothing, rich, incredible balance, dense, playful acidity. Gorgeous balance and never ending finish. 100

2016 L'Extravagant de Doisy Daëne
Pale golden. Apricots, touch of honey, floral high notes, layered, nuanced and elegant, refined nose. Fresh acidity, lively, playful, detailed, lovely balance, apricots, honey and pineapples, faint spicy touch mid palate and in the finish towards cinnamon, long. Light bitterness far back in the finish. 97

2013 L'Extravagant de Doisy Daëne
Golden. Honey, pineapples, some cinnamon, detailed and layered nose, vanilla and spices. Rich. Fresh acidity, fresh, fruit driven, rich and dense, creamy, layered, touch of caramel in the back, layers of tropical fruits, intense and long. Sublime! 98

2012 L'Extravagant de Doisy Daëne
Golden. Honey, apricots, vanilla, bit lighter nose than the 2013, but expressive. Fresh acidity, pineapples, apples, peach and apricots, elegant and playful, lovely balance, nuanced and long. A bit more of a ballerina. 95

2010 L'Extravagant de Doisy Daëne
Golden. Apricots, apples, light vanilla, fruit driven nose, still young and almost tight. Fresh acidity, playful, almost vibrant, spicy, rich, dense, intense, layered, incredible body and complexity, this one is singing on all strings on the palate, has depth and soprano. Wow. And never ending finish. 100

2009 L'Extravagant de Doisy Daëne
Golden. Pineapples, cinnamon, touch of tobacco, floral and a hint of musk, incredible complexity and depth on the nose. Fresh acidity, fruity, rich, intense, rounded, creamy, fruit driven mid palate before an intense finish with caramel and toffee thrown in fir good measure. Again, incredibly long. 98

2007 L'Extravagant de Doisy Daëne
Golden with amber hue. Apricots, cinnamon, some spices, layered and rich, dense nose if not that intense. Fresh acidity, fruity, rich, caramel, apricots and spices, pineapples, peach, playful, superbly balanced, incredibly long. 100

2005 L'Extravagant de Doisy Daëne
Golden with amber hue. Apricots, spices, rich, caramel, detailed, layered, touch of lemon curd nose. Fresh acidity, fruity, apricots, pineapples, layered, detailed, intense, creamy yet not fat, long. Touch bitter finish. Incredible length. 100

2004 L'Extravagant de Doisy Daëne

Golden with amber hue. Rich, nutty, some caramel, apricots, pineapples, layered and complex nose. Fresh acidity, fruity, some raisins, apricots, pineapples, starting to show more developed notes, creamy and rounded texture, some caramel, smooth and silky, incredibly long. Amazing wine. 97

Monday, 25 November 2019

Spesialslipp Bordeaux desember 2019

Det står spesialslipp Bordeaux men det er med en del godsaker fra andre steder også, spesielt nye verden.Det er ikke småtterier. Sammen med en klassisk, kjølig og fremragende Bordeauxårgang er dette kanskje det beste slippet noen gang på polet. Det er ikke måte på hvor mange store viner som slippes, både viner som kommer til å bli legendariske, eller alt er på god vei, til slott som har laget en av sisne beste viner noen gang. Det er også et enormt slipp. Sjelden har man sett fem-sekshundre flasker av samme vin tilgjengelig, så forhåpentligvis er det nok flasker til mange. Dette er årgangen som har for det meste moderat alkohol, det er mange Bordeauxer med klassiske 13,5 i alkohol, flott friskhet, og plenty med tanniner, som alt er ganske bløte for alderen. Utrykket er presist og klokkeklart hele veien. Over 39.000 flasker slippes fordelt på over 220 varelinjer.

2004 De Saint-Gall Orpale Grand Cru Blanc de Blancs
Kr 1051,10
Pale lemon yellow. Apples, minerals, brioche, fruit driven, pears, some yellow fruits nose. Fresh acidity, fruity, apples, lemons, refreshing and bright, nuanced, lemons and minerals finish, long. 92

2016 Mount Eden Edna Valley Chardonnay 
Kr 357,70
Towards golden. Apples, pears, vanilla, bit fatter nose, some honey and floral notes. Fresh acidity, apples, lemons, creamy, fruity, some popcorn and butter, good length. 89

2010 Château Couhins-Lurton
Kr 420,80
100SB Towards lemon yellow. Apples, grapefruits, some nettles and cats lee nose, vanilla. Fresh acidity, fruity, apples, pears, vanilla, grapefruits, bit fatter mid palate, more linear finish, long. 90

2010 Château La Louvière
Kr 399,90
85SB 15S Towards lemon yellow. Apples, pears, some honey, grapefruits, vanilla and spices nose. Fresh acidity, apples, lemons, candied citrus, some vanilla, long. 90

2016 Clarté de Haut-Brion
Kr 962,20
76,3S 23,7SB Pale lemon yellow. Apples, peach, some vanilla, minerals, faint wax note nose. Fresh acidity, apples, citrus, minerals, detailed, nuanced, elegant, lovely texture, light smoky note, detailed and long. 93

2016 Cristom Eileen Vineyard Pinot Noir XX
Kr 623,30
Bright ruby. Scented, raspberries, some floral notes, nuanced and detailed nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, detailed, elegant, superb fruit quality and balance, spices, long. Serious stuff this one. 95

2008 Antinori Chianti Classico Gran Selezione Badia a Passignano
Kr 469,-
Ruby. Cherries, anise, liquorice, spices, nuanced nose, vanilla, layered nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, dried fruits, cherries, liquorice, some coffee notes, long finish. 92

2016 Sassicaia
Kr 1954,80
Ruby. Blackberries, anise, spices, blueberries, dark fruits, coffee, cassis, tight and firm at this stage. Faint scented high notes. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, dark fruity, nuanced, playful, detailed and layered, blackberries, cassis, incredible length. 100

2016 Antinori Solaia
Kr 2350,-
Ruby. Blackberries and cassis, vanilla, some alcohol high notes, rich and dark fruity. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, bit jammy, dark fruity, dense, ripe, some alcohol notes, long. 95

2015 Christian Moueix Othello
Kr 535,50
Ruby. Blackberries, cassis, dark fruity, blueberries , dense nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, spices, blackberries and blueberries, juicy, faint floral, long. 92

2015 Château Montelena Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 
Kr 1299,80
Ruby. Cassis, blueberries, spices, liquorice and blackberries nose. Faintly scented. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, blueberries and spices, juicy, nuanced, long. 94

2014 Mount Eden Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 
Kr 670,10
Ruby. Cassis, some spices, vanilla, some liquorice nose, detailed, intense, scented. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, juicy, nuanced, layered and detailed, beautiful expression, some red fruits mid palate, long. 94

2015 Christian Moueix Ulysses
Kr 1750,80
Ruby. Cassis, blueberries and spices, liquorice, nuanced, floral, layered and deep nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, spices, liquorice, some herbs, nuanced and detailed, long. 94

2016 Beaulieu Vineyards Georges de Latour Private Reserve XX
Kr 1019,60
Ruby. Blackberries, anise, dark fruity, some spices, rich nose, floral high notes. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, some blueberries and liquorice, detailed, layered, intense and long, superb vine. 96

2016 Opus One
Kr 3336,30
Ruby. Scented, red berries, detailed, nuanced, layered, bright nose, cassis nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, layered, deep, nuanced, intense, superb balance even if the alcohol is on the high side, long and lively. 97

2015 Christian Moueix Dominus
Kr 2920,40
Ruby. Liquorice, blackberries and spices, blueberries, scented, dark fruity nose, richer. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, ripe, some spices, intense and layered, rich and nuanced, long. 96

2016 Diamond Creek Gravelly Meadow Cabernet Sauvignon 
Kr 2041,70
Ruby. Spices, liquorice, dark fruity, blackberries, highly scented, some minerals beneath, violets, rich and deep nose. Coffee and chocolate. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, spices, blackberries, nuanced and detailed, intense, structured palate, long. 98

2016 Penfolds St Henri XX
Kr 699,90
Ruby. Blackberries, spices, minerals, nuanced, eucalyptus touch, minty, deep nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, juicy, spices, liquorice, nuanced and detailed, superb balance, long. 97

2015 Penfolds Grange
Kr 3999,-
Ruby. Blackberries, spices, nuanced, rich and layered, dense, intense, floral, stunning nose, incredible layers and depth. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, spices, blackberries, detailed, layered, stunning balance and length, again incredible depth. 99

1994 Weinert Malbec Estrella
Kr 1388,80
Ruby, garnet rim. Dried fruits, anise, some spices, coffee and tobacco nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dried fruits, some spices, leaner, cherries, some coffee, rubbery note to it. 90

2017 Château Jean Faux
Kr 303,80
80M 20CF Ruby. Blueberries and spices, some scented notes nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, juicy, raspberries and spices, good length. 89

2016 Château Blaignan
Kr 204,20
55M 45M Ruby. Blackberries and anise, some spices, liquorice nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, leaner, juicy. 87

2016 Château Lanessan XX
Kr 266,-
50CS 35M 10PV 5CF Ruby. Cassis, blackberries and anise, some vanilla, nuanced nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, red berries and anise, elegant texture, long. 90

2016 Château Cantemerle XX
Kr 410,50
52CS 35M 10PV 4CF Ruby. Blackberries and anise, spices, blueberries and vanilla nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, red fruits, juicy, some herbs, vanilla, structured, long. 90

2016 Château Sociando-Mallet XX
Kr 476,80
55CS 40M 5CF Ruby. Scented, dark fruity, blueberries and spices, liquorice and floral notes, minerals nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, red berries, some spices, elegant texture, long. 92

2016 Château Mauvesin Barton XX
Kr 249,80
75CS 18CF 7PV Ruby. Scented, red berries, fruity, blueberries and spices, nuanced nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, elegant texture, lovely balance, good length. 88

2016 Château Chasse-Spleen XX
Kr 449,-
50CS 42M 6PV 2CF Ruby. Scented, red berries, blueberries, floral notes, layered nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, juicy, elegant texture, red fruits, blueberries, long. 92

2016 Château Poujeaux XX
Kr 407,30
50CS 40M 5PV 5CF Ruby. Dark fruity, blueberries and spices, liquorice, detailed nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, anise, spices, deep, richer, long. 93

2016 Parde de Haut-Bailly XX
Kr 430,90
93 CS 4PV 3CF Ruby. Cassis, blueberries, some minerals and spices, nuanced nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, juicy, some spices, leaner bodied, detailed, long. 92

2016 Château de Fieuzal XX
Kr 563,50
60CS 33M 4,5CF 2,5PV Ruby. Blueberries and anise, some spices, floral, nuanced, scented nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, red berries, some spices, blueberries, juicy, long. 93

2016 Château Malartic-Lagravière
Kr 678,60 Magnum
53CS 40M 4CF 3PV Ruby. Scented, red fruits, anise, liquorice, spices, blackberries nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, anise, spices, blackberries, detailed, long. 93

2016 Château Les Carmes Haut-Brion
Kr 950,90
41 CF 39M 20CS Ruby. Cassis, anise, scented, floral, peppery, coffee, nuanced nose, rich. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, ripe, spices, liquorice, detailed, nuanced, long. 95

2016 Domaine de Chevalier
Kr 845,60
65CS 30M 5PV Ruby. Scented, red berries, floral nuanced, minerals, layered, cassis nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, blueberries and spices, juicy, detailed, nuanced and long. 96

2016 Château Haut-Bailly
Kr 1343,50
53CS 40M 4PV 3CF Ruby. Scented, red berries, floral, nuanced, detailed nose, layered, minerals nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, fresh and bright, some spices, nuanced and detailed, layered, long. 97

2016 Château Haut-Brion
Kr 5915,90
56M 37,5CS 6,5CF Ruby. Scented, blueberries and anise, spices, minerals, blackberries and cassis nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, dark fruity, juicy, detailed and layered, spices, blueberries, minerals, nuanced and long. 100

2016 Blason d’Issan
Kr 374,20
60M 40CS Ruby. Scented, red berries, floral, nuanced, violets nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, red fruits, anise, lighter bodied, good length. 89

2016 Baron de Brane
Kr 407,-
65M 32CS 3CF Ruby. Scented, red berries, anise, floral nose, elegant. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fresh, fruity, red and dark berries, juicy. 89

2016 Château Siran XX
Kr 405,40
43CS 44M 12PV 1CF Ruby. Scented, red berries, floral, nuanced, detailed, cassis nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, nuanced, detailed, some spices, lovely texture, long. 91

2016 Château Angludet
Kr 598,50
50CS 38M 12PV Ruby. Scented, red berries, some anise, spices, blueberries, floral nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, red and dark fruits, nuanced and elegant, long. 91

2016 Château du Tertre
Kr 512,10
43CS 33M 19CF 5PV Ruby. Scented, violets, blueberries and spices, some vanilla notes nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, red fruits, anise, nuanced, my best sample to date of this, long. 92

2016 Château Giscours 
Kr 760,20
60CS 32M 5CF 3PV Ruby. Cassis, blueberries, spices, liquorice nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise,d ark fruity, structured, bit rustic texture, long. 92

2016 Château Cantenac Brown
Kr 663,80
65CS 30M 5CF Ruby. Scented, red berries, blackberries and spices, cassis nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries and spices, juicy with texture, long. A tighter sample. 94

2016 Château d’Issan XX
Kr 775,40
Ruby. Red berries, blueberries, spices, blackberries and dark fruits nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, blackberries and spices, elegant and fruity, nuanced, long. 95

2016 Château Brane Cantenac
Kr 841,40
70CS 27M 2CF 1PV Ruby. Scented, blueberries and blackberries, some cassis, anise, spices, liquorice, detailed nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, blackberries and spices, juicy, nuanced and detailed, long. 95

2016 Château Palmer
Kr 3341,50
47M 47CS 6PV Ruby. Scented, red berries, anise, blackberries and spices, layered and detailed nose, floral. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red berries, anise, juicy, nuanced, detailed, lovely balance, juicy, long. 98

2016 Le Petit Lion de Léoville Las Cases 
Kr 625,40
75CS 14M 11CF Ruby. Cassis, blueberries, some spices, detailed and nuanced nose, layered. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, juicy, elegant texture, detailed, long. 92

2016 Château Beychevelle 
Kr 936,30
Ruby. Blueberries, anise and spices, blackberries and spices, scented nose, nuanced. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, spices, blackberries, detailed and elegant, nuanced, long. 96

2016 Château Branaire-Ducru
Kr 697,50
Corked x2

2016 Château Talbot XX
Kr 672,30
Ruby. Scented, red berries, nuanced and detailed, cassis and blackberries nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, dark fruity, blackberries, some spices, juicy with structure, long. 95

2016 Château Saint-Pierre
Kr 741,80
Ruby. Scented, blackberries, cassis, dark fruity, rich, coffee and vanilla nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, juicy, spices, liquorice, detailed, intense and long. 95

2016 Château Langoa-Barton
Kr 650,30
Ruby. Scented, red berries, blueberries and spices, nuanced, floral nose, detailed. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red berries, anise, blueberries and spices, detailed, lovely balance, long. 94

2016 Château Léoville Barton
Kr 1006,50
Ruby. Scented, dark fruity, blackberries and spices, floral, cassis and blueberries nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, juicy, blackberries, fine fruit and texture, detailed and long. 96

2016 Château Ducru Beaucaillou 
Kr 2059,-
Ruby. Scented, red berries, anise, dark fruity, spices, liquorice, layered and detailed nose, intense. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, detailed, intense, layered, nuanced, spices, juicy, bright, long. 98

2016 Château Léoville Las Cases
Kr 2613,20
Ruby. Scented, red berries, nuanced, floral even if tight, pure and bright, cassis and blackberries nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, blackberries and spices, nuanced, layered, detailed, bright, intense, incredible length. 100

2016 Echo de Lynch-Bages
Kr 550,10
Ruby. Anise, cassis, some spices, light tobacco, dark fruity nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, blackberries and spices, juicy, long. 91

2016 Château Duhart-Milon
Kr 846,60
Ruby. Cassis, blueberries and spices, liquorice and nuanced, floral nose, layered. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, blackberries and spices, liquorice, long. A fine Duhart. 94

2016 Château Clerc Milon
Kr 822,60
Ruby. Cassis, blackberries and spices, liquorice and spices, nuanced nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark berries, anise, spices, liquorice, nuanced and layered, long. 95

2016 Château Pontet-Canet
Kr 1507,30
Ruby. Dark fruits, cassis, spices, liquorice, blackberries, intense and layered nose, vanilla. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, vanilla, coffee, spices, rich and intense, long. 97

2016 Château Grand-Puy-Lacoste
Kr 1051,80
Ruby. Scented, red berries, blackberries and spices, liquorice nose. Scented high notes. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, dark fruity, blackberries and spices, liquorice, juicy, nuanced, long. 96

2016 Château Lynch-Bages
Kr 1461,40
Ruby. Anise, cassis, blackberries, some vanilla, fruit driven nose, layered. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, juicy, spices, detailed, intense and layered, long. 96

2016 Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 
Kr 1795,20
Ruby. Scented, dark fruity, blackberries and spices nose, nuanced and floral, detailed. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, blackberries, juicy, nuanced, elegant, lovely balance, long. 98

2016 Château Pichon Longueville Baron 
Kr 1697,40
Ruby. Cassis, blackberries, fruit driven, some vanilla, spices, liquorice, layered and nuanced nose. Dense. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, blackberries and spices, liquorice, nuanced, superb balance, long. 98

2016 Château Mouton Rothschild 
Kr 5979,30
Ruby. Scented, dark fruits, layered, deep, nuanced, incredible depth, cassis, floral, exotic spices, magic. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, rich, deep, intense, layered, nuanced, stunning fruit and body and balance, the layers, the focus, the purity, this is one of the greatest Mouton’s ever made. Incredible length. 100

2016 La Dame de Montrose
Kr 476,90
Ruby. Blackberries and spices, liquorice, nuanced, scented nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, spices, liquorice, detailed, long. 90

2016 Château Capbern XX
Kr 348,30
Ruby. Blackberries, anise, spices, liquorice, nuanced, elegant depth to it on the nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, blackberries and anise, some spices, long. 90

2016 Château Lafon-Rochet XX
Kr 591,60
Ruby. Red berries, dark fruits, some anise and spices, liquorice nose, scented. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, dark fruity, some spices, liquorice, detailed, long. 94

2016 Château Montrose
Kr 1569,90
Ruby. Cassis, dark fruity, blackberries and spices, floral, nuanced, minerals and scented nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark berries, anise, spices, juicy, layered, long. 98

2016 Château Les Cruzelles XX
Kr 364,10
Ruby. Blueberries and blackberries nose, nuanced, scented nose, elegant. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, elegant texture, some coffee, dark fruits, nuanced, long. Coffee finish. 91

2016 Saintayme
Kr 296,10
Ruby. Blueberries, blackberries and spices, scented, some vanilla nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, blackberries, anise, dark fruity, blueberries, long. 90

2016 Château Belair-Monange 
Kr 1743,50
Ruby. Blackberries, anise, some spices, liquorice, nuanced, minerals, detailed, intense nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruits, some spices, liquorice, nuanced and detailed, long. 97

2016 Château Canon XX
Kr 1142,10
Ruby. Scented, red berries, bright, nuanced, detailed, intense nose, minerals, bright nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, dark berries, red fruits, nuanced, detailed, layered, incredible detail and nuance, juicy, playful and long. 98

2016 Château Figeac
Kr 1800,10
Ruby. Scented, dark fruity, blackberries, anise, scented, minerals, nuanced, layered and deep nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, anise, juicy, detailed, intense, nuanced, blackberries, stunning body and texture, incredible length. Faint herbal note. 100

2016 Château Gazin
Kr 974,60
Ruby. Blackberries, anise, dark fruity, minerals, floral, floral, nuanced nose, detailed. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, anise, spices, liquorice, blueberries, juicy and nuanced, long. 96

2016 Château La Fleur Petrus
Kr 2495,60
Ruby. Red fruits, anise, cassis, blueberries, detailed, floral, minerals nose, nuanced. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, red fruits, anise,d ark berries, juicy, some spices, detailed, long. 97

2016 Château Trotanoy
Kr 2318,90
Ruby. Blueberries, scented, detailed, intense, nuanced and layered, minerals, floral, incredible nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, blackberries, anise, juicy, some spices, layered and detailed, long. 98

2016 Vieux Château Certan
Kr 2826,60
Ruby. Blackberries, anise, blueberries and spices, liquorice, layered and deep nose, minerals, scented. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, dark fruity, blackberries, detailed, spices, layered, nuanced, long. 98

Samos Project Samos Solera 1968-1982 XX
Kr 281,60 demi
Amber with golden hue. Dried fruits, apricots, rich, dried fruits, apricots and peach nose. Fresh acidity, fruity, dried fruits, raisins, some candied citrus, nuanced, long. 93

1963 Samos Project Samos
Kr 787,70 demi
Deep amber. Rich, fruity, nuts, dried fruits, layered, detailed nose, candied lemons. Fresh acidity, detailed, intense, juicy, some spices, nuanced, playful yet very creamy, long. 94